Implementation of the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act (RA.9003) in the Municipality of Binalbagan
Alberto Delacruz
Discipline: Education
This descriptive research study aims to determine the implementation level of the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act in
the Municipality of Binalbagan regarding Information Dissemination, Law Enforcement, and Sustainability. This study
determines the local people's everyday practices and their Association with the implementation. This study also aims to
identify possible extension programs to bridge the ecological waste management implementation gap. This study was
conducted in 2021 among nine urban barangays in the Municipality of Binalbagan, utilizing 272 household respondents, which
were selected using non-parametric convenient sampling. It utilized a self-made questionnaire through Google forms to find
out the extent of implementation of the act. The statistical tools used were mean, standard deviation, frequency, percentages,
and the Chi-square test using cross-tabulation. The results revealed that Ecological Solid Waste Management is partially
implemented in the Municipality of Binalbagan among the identified variables: information dissemination, law enforcement,
and sustainability. The data showed that the respondents seldom apply the recognized practices on waste segregation.
However, some local people practiced it while constantly using common practices on proper waste disposal. Finally, data
showed a significant association between the rating on ecological solid waste management implementation and the
respondents' frequency of application of common practices on generation, segregation, and waste disposal. Despite the partial
implementation of ecological solid waste management in the locality, most respondents developed an initiative to adapt the
common practices related to waste management with little or no intervention from the local government
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