HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 8 no. 8 (2023)

Impact of the Flipped Classroom on Civil Engineering Students' Learning of Differential Calculus

John Rogel Ursua

Discipline: Education



The flipped classroom method reverses a class's traditional lecture and homework elements. In a flipped classroom, students watch and listen to recorded lectures and read course materials before class. As an intervention, this utilizes the mastery learning model, which entails students' understanding of the topic before proceeding to the next topic. This One-Group PretestPosttest Experimental study aimed to determine the effectiveness of flipped classroom approach in teaching Differential Calculus among first-year Civil Engineering students of the University of Antique. Forty-two (42) first-year Civil Engineering students participated in the study during the second semester of the Academic Year 2023-2024. The researcher administered a pretest-posttest to determine the students' problem-solving skills and performance. The researcher also optimized collaborative learning through assignments given inside the classroom. After the posttest, the student's attitude towards using flipped classrooms is "Very High." As 21st-century learners, it is perceived that engineering students have high regard for flipped classroom learning. Posttest results showed that applying the flipped classroom approach improved the students' capacity to solve problems and mastery of solving calculus problems. Therefore, the flipped classroom method effectively enhances students' problem-solving skills and performance in Differential Calculus.


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