HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 8 no. 10 (2023)

Learners’ Behavior Towards Online Learning Modality

Afidah Hadji Ali | Omar Hussien

Discipline: Education



A study on learners’ behavior towards online learning modality of the Grade 12 students was conducted at ALBangsamoro Shari’ah and Professional Education College Inc., Marawi City in the school year 2022 – 2023. There were ninety-seven (97) respondents who participated in the study. The study's main objective was to determine the respondents' personal profile and learners’ behavior towards online learning modality. The study used descriptive-correlational research design. The results of the investigation revealed that majority of the respondents were female. This finding implied that the female population was dominant in the study. It was also revealed that AL-Bangsamoro Shari’ah and Professional Education College was dominated by female students. The findings displayed which proved by the other researchers that some private and public schools in Marawi City, such as AL-Bangsamoro Shari’ah and Professional Education College were populated more by females, which was more prevalent than males. In addition, the study further displayed that most of the respondents were 18-19 years old. Majority belonged to 3rd to 4th sibling rank. In addition, the study further revealed that majority of the respondents had 5,999 or below parent’s monthly income while the least number of the respondents had 6,000 to 10,999 parent’s monthly income. Hence, it was apparent that the grade 12 Senior High School students of AL-Bangsamoro Shari’ah and Professional Education College Marawi City were having difficulties in facing the new normal academic system based on their experiences in terms oftheir socio-demographic profile and the learner’s behavior towards online learning modality.


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