Personality Traits, Work-Related Mental Stressors, And Coping Mechanisms of Tomas Cabili National High School Teachers in the New Normal
Daven Saga | Omar Hussien
Discipline: Education
The main objective of this study was to determine the personality traits, work- related mental health
stressors, and coping mechanisms of Tomas Cabili National High School teachers in the new normal
during the School Year 2021 – 2022. A descriptive-correlational method was used. There were 68
respondents for this study, a complete enumeration of the school’s whole teaching force. The research
instrument was composed of three parts: the personality traits which were adopted from the
International Personality Item Pool (IPIP) Big-Five Factors Markers developed by Goldberg; the
work-related mental stressors adopted from the Health and Security and Executive (HSE)
Management Standards (2019); and the coping mechanisms adopted from Ways of Coping Checklist
(WCCL) of Lazarus and Folkman. Frequency and percentage distribution, average- weighted value,
and Pearson product-moment correlation were used in the analysis of data. The consolidated results
of the study revealed that most of the respondents’ personality trait was conscientiousness. Their
primary source of work-related mental stressors was on demands and their most preferred coping
mechanism for stress was positive re-appraisal. Based on the gathered data, a personality traits and
stress management program was proposed
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