HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 8 no. 8 (2023)

Experiences of Teachers Who Resigned from Service in the Department of Education: a Phenomenological Study

Ian Rey Rosillo

Discipline: Education



Teacher plays a vital role, from molding the student to a tons of paperwork. This qualitative study employed phenomenological approach to provide detailed description of lived experiences of teachers who resigned in service. It focused on their ways of coping with the challenges and difficulties encountered and discover the lesson and insight that drawn from the lived experiences of the participants. It was participated by four IDI and seven FGD who are DepEd teachers who resigned in service. The data were gathered through in-depth interview. Participants were selected through purposive sampling technique. The result was organized by the researcher to present fully the themes that emerged from the responses of the research questions. The study showed that the participants experiences significant experience, encountered difficulties and enjoying life after DepEd. To cope with the challenges they come with establishing the plans, managing the challenges and working with encounters. Thus, participants shared their lesson and insight drawn from the experiences such as: valuing self and career, valuing the chances and applying the valuable pieces of advice. The implication of this study was unlimited of paperwork and overlapping of workload can result in stressful work that led to resignation. To reduce the amount of teacher resignations, the DepEd may create plantilla for ancillary works, grievance committee, KPI evaluation and fair and just implementation of policies and orders.


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