
HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 8 no. 6 (2023)

The Effect of Pre-Recorded Lesson and Home Tutorial to the Academic Performance in Mathematics of Grade 11 Students

Neilkim-Peter J Tapado

Discipline: Education



Many students struggled the most in learning mathematics and majority of them were having difficulty answering the modules. Consequently, the study was conducted to determine the effect of a pre-recorded lesson and home tutorial on the academic performance in Mathematics of grade 11 students. To do this study, the researcher divided the study participants into control and experimental groups using a combination design (non-equivalent and pretest-posttest design), a sort of quasi-experimental methodology. The groupings were made at the discretion of the researcher. Furthermore, purposive sampling technique was used. In fact, the study participants were 11th grade students, taking general academic strand. Moreover, only the experimental group, however, received the treatment, which included a pre-recorded lesson and a home tutorial. The significant findings of the study were that there was no significant difference in the average pre-test score between the control and experimental groups during the pre-test. On the other hand, the average post-test score of the control and experimental groups differed significantly, which means that there was a significant difference in the average post-test score of the control and experimental groups. Thus, giving a pre-recorded lesson and home tutorial to grade 11 students improved their academic performance in Mathematics.


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