Seeking the Light from the Smoke: A Case Study of Chain Smokers on Smoking Cessation in Mandaue City, Philippines
Rachel Kate Limalima | Glyza Kadusale | Mikaela Gepiga | Blaise Mariel Colimbo | John Clyde Alquiza | Jhayzee Mae Marco | Mary Fair Ruval Estrera | Roberto Samson Jr | Romel C. Mutya
Discipline: Education
This study explored an in-depth analysis of the faces of smoking cessation of chain smokers.
Specifically, this study investigated the meaningful events encountered by chain smokers that led
them to start smoking cessation, the struggles they experienced when they began smoking cessation,
and the adaptive mechanisms of chain smokers to continue smoking cessation. This study utilized a
qualitative case study research design using Braun and Clarke’s data analysis method to describe
an in-depth dissection of a phenomenon involving six participants through semi-structured
interviews. Participants were recruited using purposive sampling technique and passed the inclusion
criteria. Findings revealed five themes: (1) relevance of quitting smoking, (2) risks of smoking, (3)
roadblocks from the goal, (4) rewards from quitting smoking over time, and (5) intrinsic and
extrinsic motivations towards smoking cessation. The findings show that various factors led the
chain smokers to start smoking cessation. Most of the participants quit smoking owing to health risks
and environmental risks. Family support greatly helps smokers to manage relapse. The study
recommends that the government health center expand and make people more aware of the smoking
cessation programs and create a program that will provide a health systems approach that focuses on
promoting and integrating clinical best practices to increase smokers to quit smoking successfully.
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