HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 4 no. 4 (2022)

Challenges and Opportunities Encountered in the Teaching of Special Topics Courses in the Bachelor of Elementary Education Program

April Aura Cacho

Discipline: Education



This qualitative research endeavored to determine the different challenges and opportunities encountered by the Professional Education teachers in teaching Special Topics (ST) courses among the Bachelor of Elementary Education Program. The 110 respondents composed of the students and professional education teachers identified their respective challenges and opportunities in the teaching of ST subjects. There were ten (10) criteria identified in determining the challenges and opportunities such as availability of textbooks, accessibility on specific online references, adequacy of discussion/lecture time, relevancy of the topics discussed, proper scheduling of ST Classes, application to their daily activities, availability or adequacy instructional materials resources, curriculum planning/preference, student classroom interaction, and meeting the need of the LET. It has been found out that in the teaching of the ST in the BEED program, the greatest challenge teachers encountered is the availability of text books, followed by the adequacy of instructional materials and the LET relevance. However, for the opportunities, they considered teaching ST to have more opportunities in curriculum planning/preference, relevancy of the topics discussed to the needs of the students, and application to their daily activities


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