HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 5 no. 5 (2022)

Relationship of Teachers’ Instructional Competencies on the Students’ Entrepreneurial Skills in Home Economics

Dianna Quenikito

Discipline: Education



This study examined home economics teachers' instructional competence and their students' entrepreneurial skills. This study, in particular, assessed the level of teachers' instructional competencies in terms of teachers' personalities and teaching skills that involve the introduction, interaction, and integration; determining the level of students' entrepreneurial skills; and whether the teachers' socio-demographic characteristics were significant. The study used descriptive statistics to collect, record, and analyze data. This was conducted in 14 Notre Dame Schools in Cotabato Province. The respondents of the study were the 26 Grade 9 and 10 Home Economics teachers in each school, and 260 of their students were selected randomly. The majority of the respondents were within the 21-25 years bracket, and the female respondents formed the majority group of teacher- respondents. Most respondents were holders of BS degrees, had 1-5 years in the service, and were composed of a relatively young group still active in the profession. Nearly three-fourths of the respondents ranked as Junior Teachers. Results revealed that teachers' socio-demographic characteristics had no significant influence on their instructional competencies and students' entrepreneurial skills. However, it was found that teachers' instructional competencies significantly influence the students' entrepreneurial skills. Hence, although the teacher– respondents differ in their socio-demographic characteristics, such as age, sex, educational attainment, length of service, and rank, they exhibited similarities in their instructional competencies. Based on the analyzed data, there is considerable evidence that the teacher–respondents tend to strike a balance in having skills in the different instructional competencies to facilitate learning. There is a significant relationship between teacher– respondents' instructional competencies and students' entrepreneurial skills.


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