Blended Learning Education: The Effectiveness of New Ways of Teaching and Learning in Enhancing Students’ Academic Achievement
Shiela Marie Garcia
Discipline: Education
A blended learning education is one that combines online and in-person course components into a single
curriculum. This study aimed to investigate and determine the effectiveness of blended learning in the
context of new ways in teaching and learning to enhance students' academic achievement. The study applied
a quantitative research design where descriptive statistics were used for the respondents' responses on the
effectiveness of new ways of teaching and learning in enhancing students’ academic achievement during
blended learning education. The researcher tabulated and processed the data for the statistical analysis after
retrieving the questionnaire. Furthermore, this study used a statistical method by calculating the data from
the mean value and standard deviations and utilizing a one-way ANOVA. Based on the findings, the
mean value, standard deviation, and descriptive interpretation of innovative teaching techniques and
developing teaching methods or new ways of teaching in the context of blended learning education were
determined. Based on the findings, the average value of the indicators under Table 1 shows (mean = 3.97; SD
= 0.27), which means it has been competent. The teachers at San Luis National High School have been
developing teaching methods that are appropriate for teaching and learning. The findings show a
statistically significant difference at the level of statistical significance (0.05) between the means of the
three (3) sources of variation, which are the teaching method, teaching technique, and technological
advancements used in the classroom. Therefore, the teaching method, technique, and advancement of
technology demonstrations to lay the groundwork for why and how to conduct the class and help set
expectations for students at school.
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