
HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 5 no. 5 (2022)

Incidence of COVID-19 and Profile of Case in the Department of Education, Division of Bohol

Ralph Rey Supremo | Clinio Galviso

Discipline: Education



The verge of the pandemic and its continued onslaught can never be forgotten nor denied. And, quality and holistic education should be client-based most especially now in these pandemic times. On top client advocacy, the Department of Education, Division of Bohol and its stakeholders need to continue to focus on safeguarding the welfare of its workforce, its teaching and non-teaching personnel. Thus, it is illustrated the occurrence of COVID-19 and the most affected population groups within DepEd Bohol. It has uncovered that teaching personnel are the ones most at risk of contracting the disease due to their involvement in reporting physically to work. Non-teaching personnel have also been found to be at higher risk of getting infected due to the nature of their work that involves frequent inter-zonal travel and face-toface conferences. This is supported by the establishment of a significant relationship between age group, client category, and travel exposure to key variables such as symptom status, number of symptoms reported, and hospitalization status. It can be deduced that individuals of higher age groups and work classifications are exposed to a higher possibility of occupational person-to-person contact, hence, higher risk of contracting COVID-19. Moreover, the data revealed that learners from both the elementary and secondary levels share a similar risk of being infected with COVID-19 despite the absence of face-to-face learning. This suggests that and supports the finding that the top-most source of infection exposure is the exposure to a confirmed case relative – be they an immediate family member or someone living in the same household or quarters. Further, the findings imply that the Coronavirus Organized Response and Education (CORE) Task Force and Mechanism proves potent in its implementation of the DepEd Bohol’s COVID-19 response as reflected by the majority of confirmed cases being reported precisely and on time.


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