HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 4 no. 3 (2022)

Perception and Academic Performance of STEM Students in Learning Calculus

Bonifacio Giangan Jr. | Melanie Gurat

Discipline: Education



This study aimed to determine the relationship between academic performance and students’ perceptions in learning Calculus during distance learning modality. Learning Calculus is part of developing students' Mathematics skills and abilities towards enhancing STEM education in Senior High School. Thirty-five (35) STEM students were purposively sampled at a public school in Davao Region, Philippines. These students took up Pre-Calculus and Basic Calculus during pandemic. This study used a quantitative research design, particularly the descriptive-correctional method, to analyze the collected data. Based on the result, the level of students’ perceptions was positive, while the level of academic performance was very satisfactory. Moreover, no significant correlation exists between students’ perceptions and academic performance in learning calculus on distance learning. This implies that students can perform well regardless of their perceptions in learning Calculus, in both Pre- Calculus and Basic Calculus. However, further assessment needs to be done in their Mathematics subjects at the Tertiary level since the modality used was not face-to-face. Appropriate action may be considered based on the assessment result, such as bridging courses or tutorial sessions.


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