HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 5 no. 4 (2022)

A Correlational Study Among Personal Accomplishment, Occupational Exhaustion, Skepticism, and Self-Efficacy Among Philippine Army Soldiers as COVID-19 Frontliners

Marjorie Jill Africa | Jonathan Aganan

Discipline: Education



This study aimed to assess personal accomplishment, self-efficacy, occupational exhaustion, and skepticism of selected Philippine Army Soldiers As COVID-19 Frontliners. A total of 55 Philippine Army Soldiers participated as respondents of the study in which they were profiled as to age, marital status, rank, and years in service. Results show that there is a very high personal accomplishment, high self-efficacy, low occupational exhaustion, and low skepticism. Results also show that there is a significant difference in personal accomplishment, self-efficacy, and occupational exhaustion over the years in the service demographic profile.


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