New Normal Education: Strategies, Methods, and Trends of Teaching-Learning on Students’ Perspectives and Its Effectiveness
Jeffry Saro | Maynard Manliguez | Irene Jean Buar | Alfred Buao | Arcelie Almonicar
Discipline: Education
Education is a developmental process that may be improved by using a range of strategies to develop engaging
classes. It stands for the educators' personal philosophy and utmost aspiration. This study aimed to assess and
identify the strategies,methods, and trends of teaching-learning on students’ perspectives and their effectiveness in
the new normal of education. The study employed the descriptive approach with a quantitative research design in
analyzing the strategies, methods, and trends ofteaching-learning. The participants of the study are the professional
teachers in the selected 2 public schools in the Agusan del Sur division under the San Luis District, particularly at
San Luis National High School and San Mariano ElementarySchool. Based on the findings, it was gleaned from
the findings, it was definitely concluded that the overall weighted mean value was 4.08 with a descriptive level of
observation and interpretation of very satisfied based on the results. Additionally, it was revealed that the zcomputed value in the result obtained with 105.329 is greater than the z-critical value of 1.87, which definitely
resulted in the rejection of the hypothesis of the study. Thus, there is a statistically significant difference in the
strategies, methods, and trends of teaching in the new normal learning perspective as observed by the participants of
the study. Therefore, the strategies, methods, and trends in teaching shows to lay the foundation of why and how to
conduct the class and helps set expectations by the students at school, also creating a shared class culture where
students take more responsibility andunderstanding for their class participation.
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