HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 5 no. 4 (2022)

Intervention Strategies Utilized by Elementary Mathematics Teachers and Their Perceived Effectiveness in Enhancing Learners’ Performance

Noel Sabando

Discipline: Education



This study aimed to determine the intervention strategies used by elementary Mathematics teachers and their effectiveness in enhancing learners’ performance. Employing a descriptive-correlational research design, the study described the demographic profile of the respondents and the intervention strategies utilized by the teachers and their effectiveness in terms of fundamental, computational and word problem-solving skills. It also determined the significant difference in the intervention strategies utilized by the teachers when grouped according to their demographic profile and the significant relationship between the intervention strategies and their extent of effectiveness in enhancing their learner’s performance. Findings revealed that the teachers strongly agreed that they used Repetition in helping their pupils learn better. A significant difference was also noted in the use of Repetition and Timed-testing as intervention strategies specifically in terms of sex. Meanwhile, Male and female teachers differ in their use of two strategies although there was no significant difference in all other strategies under study. Moreover, the teachers did not exhibit any significant difference on the perceived level of effectiveness of the intervention strategies based on the selected demographic profile. Also, significant relationship between the intervention strategies and their perceived level of effectiveness in enhancing learners’ performance was evident in the study. Finally, the study concluded that teachers perceived the intervention strategies as effective in enhancing their learners’ performance.


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