Extent of Utilization of Instructional Materials Used in Relation to Senior High School Students’ Skill Performance in Home Economics (HE)
Robayna Batua
Discipline: Education
This study was conducted to determine the relationship of extent of utilization of instructional materials used to
senior high school students’ in their skill performance in home economics. Specifically, this study aimed to
determine the socio-economic characteristics of the teachers’ in terms of, educational attainment, national
certificate, length of service, number of seminars/trainings attended, and rank; determine students’ skill performance
in home economics, to determine the extent of utilization of instructional materials used in home economics by the
senior high school home economic students in terms of multimedia presentations, textbooks, charts and workbooks,
real objects/realia, and pictures; determine whether the teachers socio-economic characteristics significantly
influence their students’ skill performance; determine whether the teachers socio- economic characteristics
significantly influence their extent of utilization of instructional materials; determine whether the teachers’ extent of
utilization of instructional materials significantly influence their students’ skill performance. Respondents of the
study were sixty two (62) senior high school Home Economics teachers and six hundred twenty (620) senior high
school Home Economics students drawn by random sampling procedure in North Cotabato Division. Frequency
counts, averages and weighted mean were used in analyzing the data. The Multiple Regression was used to test the
influence between the extent of utilization of instructional materials used and senior high school students’ skill
performance in home economics. Most of the teacher respondents were bachelors’ degree holder, have taught the
subject Home Economics from 5-10 years. Majority of the skill performance of students were rated good. Most of
the respondents always preferred real objects and the pictures was frequently used and were found the least
preferred instructional materials in HE classes. Teachers’ socio-economic characteristics were not influenced by
their students’ skill performance and their extent of utilization of instructional materials. Teachers’ extent of
utilization of instructional materials was not influenced their students’ skill performance. Based on the findings of
study, it is concluded that extent of utilization of instructional materials used in relation to senior high school do not
significantly influenced their students’ skill performance in Home Economics.
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