HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 6 no. 10 (2023)

Experiences and Coping Strategies of Senior High School Teachers in Southern Nueva Vizcaya: A Glimpse on a Teacher’s Life

Edgar Dela Rosa Jr.

Discipline: Education



This study aimed to determine the experiences and coping strategies of Senior High School teachers in Southern Nueva Vizcaya during the implementation of distance modular learning modality. The study involved one hundred teacher participants who were randomly selected from the eight schools that are offering Senior High School programs in the southern part of the province. This qualitative study used the thematic analysis in the interpretation of data. Results showed that relationship surfaced as a dominant theme that manifested during scheduled distribution and retrieval of modules it is followed by context wherein miscommunication among teachers and parents became dominant which resulted to teacher and parent conflicts. While in terms of their coping strategies, motivation and patience surfaced as dominant themes. The participants were able to device strategies to communicate with their learners, the participants were able to develop a stronger bond with their colleagues, they became more tolerant, and they learned how to handle pressure properly. Thus, it is concluded in the study that the participants relationship with the parents and their motivation to fulfill their duties were the driving factors that made their work challenging in the new normal.


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