HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 7 no. 6 (2023)

Readiness of the Field Implementers in the Implementation of ALS-SHS Program in the Fourth Congressional District of Quezon: Basis for Crafting a Learning and Development Program

Frank Frederick Laurora

Discipline: Education



This research aimed to assess the readiness of field implementers in the implementation of ALS-SHS Program in the Fourth Congressional Districts of Quezon, as well as to identify challenges and actions taken to fully prepare for the SHS implementation in ALS in order to develop a learning and development (L&D) program. This employed descriptive-analysis research among 51 respondents. Validation, pilot testing, finalizing, and facilitating data collection were done using self-made questionnaires. Data was analyzed using frequency count, percentage, weighted mean, and Chi-Square. Findings revealed that the ALS Field Implementers had bachelor's degrees in general education and had attended many trainings. The respondents are generally ready in curriculum and learning skills, SHS program content understanding, andragogy and experiential learning design, learning delivery and modalities, learning resources and environment, and learning and program evaluation while the group of respondents with English and Science as specialization and have attended ABM related trainings were very much ready. Moreover, with p-values lower than 0.05, there is no significant difference among the readiness level of the ALS Field Implementers on the implementation of ALS-SHS Program when grouped according to readiness profile. Lack of funds, different learning modalities, lack of guide in writing learning competencies on ALS-SHS and curriculum exits are the major challenges which they address by conducting analyses and by requesting additional financial support from LGU. Lastly, MARSHiALS as Learning and Development Program was developed and is suggested for adoption in the schools of the Fourth Congressional District of Quezon.


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