Challenges to Teachers in Modular Distance Learning Modality
Katrine Mary Joei B Alfanta | Carlito Abarquez
Discipline: Education
The study sought to identify the challenges faced by modular distance learning and the coping
mechanisms. This was conducted on August 2022. Findings show that challenges include planning
and preparing the modules, teaching the courses, collection of information on student performance,
examined and assessed students' outputs, and provided feedback to students. Teachers overcame the
challenges posed by the modality through time management, inventive teaching methods, adjusting to
the new normal trend in education, flexibility, providing backup plans, optimism, and patience, and
arming oneself with the necessary skills. Additionally, respondents declared that they were prepared
to do the tasks related to teaching and learning processes. Teachers had access to the professional
development webinars and training they needed. Learners were unable to focus on their studies
because of the absence of face-to-face instruction. To help their children adjust to the new teaching
modality, parents and guardians can only support them through encouraging them. However, several
of them felt confined because in the modular learning modality, they lack the ability to facilitate and
explain the lesson. The financial status and educational background of the parents had a big impact on
how successfully their kids learned remotely and adjusted to modular learning. Additionally, to
maintain the widespread printing of self-learning modules, the schools received sufficient financial
support and material resources, and they made effective use of them.
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