HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 7 no. 11 (2023)

Reading Activities at Home in Developing Reading Skills Among Grade One LearnersDuring the Pandemic

Stephanie Marhen C Abueva | Enerio Ebisa

Discipline: Education



This study aimed to determine if the reading activities of the respondents, such as reading sessions with parents or family members, available reading resources used for reading, educational shows and movies, educational computer and cellphone games, and educational videos and nursery rhymes, are related to their reading skills. The research employed a descriptive correlational design. The researcher used a Teacher-Made Demographic Profile Test and adapted it to the Early Grade Reading Assessment, modifying it into four level components known as the Modified Early Grade Reading Assessment Test, namely letter sound knowledge, familiar word reading, oral passage reading, and reading comprehension. Thirty-one male and 25 female vaccinated learners from Cabili Village Elementary School in the North III District participated in the study. The data were analyzed using frequency and percentage as well as Pearson's correlation coefficient. As a result, reading level, particularly reading comprehension and oral passage reading had a substantial association with Grade 1 learners' reading activities at home. Meanwhile, letter sound knowledge and familiar word reading had little correlation with the reading activities of learners in Grade 1 at home.


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