The New Normal Through the Lense of Public Elementary Teachers: A Phenomenological Study
Shiela Mae Blas Del Rosario | Cestervel Marie Vivero | Honey Calumag
Discipline: Education
The purpose of this research was to explore the lived experiences of public-school teachers at San
Rafael Elementary School in the delivery of Modular Distance Learning in time of COVID-19
pandemic. By employing the qualitative-phenomenological study, the following themes occurred
from the conversation partners who satisfy the inclusion criteria and voluntarily participated in the
study; (a) the challenges of the teachers in the new normal which was based on the following
subthemes: sentiments about being isolated at home; health related concerns of oneself and
significant others; difficulty brought by the new learning modality; mental health of teachers;
difficulty in balancing workload, pregnancy, and parenthood; communication barriers with
significant others; exposure to physical exhaustion; and unreadiness and incompetence to teach of
home learning partners; (b) teachers’ response to the challenges which are taken from the following
experiences: optimism among teachers; flexibility and adaptability of teachers; teachers’ faithfulness
to God; support from significant others; teachers as part of the solution; and coping mechanisms of
teachers; (c) the positive side of the new normal of education was the third major theme identified in
this research; (d) teachers’ realizations composed of sense and fulfillment among teachers; learners’
and parents’ dedication; and teachers’ expectations from the department of education. Rigors of
findings were established using thick description for transferability, checking rechecking for
confirmability, dependability, and member checking for credibility
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