E-Learning in COVID-19: Lived Experiences of College Students of Notre Dame of Midsayap College Living in Remote Area
Liza S Gapasin | Carl Justin L Riingen | Angelica T Roca | Realene M Amandoron | Resty Christain Lloyd Y Llaguno | Marvin A Burlado | Ricardo Quiñones
Discipline: Education
This study was conducted to determine the lived experiences of college students of Notre Dame of
Midsayap College living in remote area, the challenges they encounter and their survival mechanisms
towards e-learning. The researcher applied descriptive phenomenological design to explore the
phenomenon and experiences of college students on e-learning while living in remote area. The ten
(10) competent conversational partners (CPs) were selected through the use of purposive and
snowball sampling. The interview guide was used as the main research instrument. Their responses
were properly recorded, transcribed, interpret and analyzed thematically. The results explore 3 key
concepts or main themes that emerged as important for CPs lived experience, they are preparation of
e-learning resources, internal and external challenges, and survival mechanism. It is discovered that
e-learning have an adverse outcome to CPs living in remote area. The confronted challenges such as
noisy environment, financial related problem, time management, and technical issues contributed to
the worsen situation of educational system on e-learning. However, those challenges were positively
address by the CPs through acceptance, managing time, self-distraction, parents’ support, active
coping and self-motivation. Therefore, college students of Notre Dame of Midsayap College living
in remote area positively accepted and adapt to e-learning through their various coping
mechanisms and strive to continue amidst the situation in e-learning.
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