Acceptability of the Improvised Compact Image Projector in Teaching Optics
Adrian Y Vismonte
Discipline: Education
This study aimed to determine the acceptability of the improvised Compact Image Projector (CIP) in
teaching Optics at Tanay West National High School in Tanay, Rizal. The study's respondents were
the sixty (60) Grade 10 learners of Tanay West National High School. The study used two methods of
research, the experimental and descriptive-developmental methods, to determine the performance of
the student-respondents and the acceptability of the developed Compact Image Projector as an
improvised science apparatus with regards to functionality, durability, utility value and economic
value. Based on the analysis and interpretation of data gathered, all mean scores in the posttest of the
experimental and control group were higher than the pretest, which denoted that there was an increase
in the level of performance of the groups of respondents. Moreover, the study found out that the
level of performance of the experimental and control groups as revealed by their pretest and
posttest, differed significantly with respect to different lessons in Optics thus, the null hypothesis was
rejected and was verbally interpreted as significant. The result revealed that there is significant
difference between on the posttest results on the level of performance of the experimental and control
group with respect to Nature of light, Reflection of Light and Mirrors, Image Formation by Mirrors,
Refraction of Light and Lenses, Image Formation by Lenses and Mirror/Lens Equation since all of
their p-values are less than the 0.05 significant level.
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