Teachers’ Feedback on the Usefulness and Assessment on the Effectiveness of Webinars Attended
Kriszel Den Calambro
Discipline: Education
This study is conducted to find out the feedback of teachers on the usefulness and assessment on the effectiveness
of webinars attended in the aspect of content knowledge, pedagogy, production and utilization of instructional
materials and technological proficiency. Descriptive-correlational design was used in the study. Quota and
proportionate sampling technique was used in the study. The elementary school teachers have generally agreed on
the statement about their feedback on the usefulness and effectiveness of webinars in the aspect of content
knowledge, pedagogy, production and utilization of instructional materials and technological proficiency.
Teachers also agreed on the statements on their assessment on the effectiveness of webinars attended in terms of
content knowledge, pedagogy, production and utilization of instructional materials and technological proficiency.
No significant difference found between the feedback of teachers on the usefulness and their assessment on the
effectiveness of webinars in the aspect of content knowledge, pedagogy, production and utilization of instructional
materials and technological proficiency in terms of sex, age and designation. Further, there is significant
relationship between teachers’ feedback on the usefulness and assessment on the effectiveness of webinars.
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