HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 6 no. 2 (2022)

Online Learning Experiences of Postgraduate Students Enrolled in Foreign Language Courses

John Carlo Unson | Gregerlin Lambenicio

Discipline: Education



The COVID-19 epidemic forced education into the online environment and raised concerns about its efficacy. It has raised doubts about its ability to conduct foreign language classes effectively. The experiences of 15 postgraduate students from the University of the Cordilleras in Baguio City, the Philippines, who registered in and completed foreign language courses during this current online learning modality, were examined in this qualitative study. These participants were interviewed, and their responses were analyzed thematically and interpreted using relevant theories. The following advantages were cited: good delivery of lectures, adequate notes and materials, accessibility, convenience for completion of tasks, and motivation. These were the disadvantages: overall inconvenience, students’ wrong perception of online learning, poor Internet connection, application and software problems, limited interaction and engagement, cheating, limited skills enhancement, demotivation, and stress. The following actions could be taken to address the disadvantages they shared: technical support for students and teachers, students and teachers bringing their respective initiatives in ensuring the quality of the foreign language education, setting consultation times for students, and re-evaluating course content. This study only focused on 15 Postgraduate students from the University of the Cordilleras in Baguio City. It did not imply generalized findings for all Postgraduate students and foreign language courses in the Philippines. Further studies focusing on acting to ensure the quality of foreign language education are needed.


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