HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 8 no. 3 (2023)

Impacts of Action Research on School Operations in the Third Congressional District of Quezon

Niña Marie Glorioso

Discipline: Education



This study determined the impacts of action research in the different key areas of school operations. It also revealed the research problems encountered in conducting, disseminating, and utilizing action research. This study aimed to establish the research culture and skills of the teachers that will help them address issues regarding school operations. Seventy-five (75) respondents were randomly chosen. This study was limited to the principal author or proponent of action research. These respondents were from different elementary and secondary schools in the third congressional district of Quezon, composed of 12 municipalities. The importance of the study was determined using a descriptive research approach. A self-made questionnaire with a Cronbach alpha of 0.976 was formulated. The data revealed that action research significantly impacts the curriculum aspect of school operation, where most of the themes of their action research focus on teaching-learning. As researchers, teachers play a vital role in curriculum planning. To sum up, it is better to strengthen the methodologies and programs that promote school action research.


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