Unstoppable: the Dream That Never Closes Doors Beyond Early Marriage
Rosalie Acosta | Michelle Viña
Discipline: Education
This study aimed to explore and discover the lived experiences of married students as well as the challenges they face and
insights about being married at such a young age. The researcher adopted the qualitative phenomenography design to interview
the fifteen conversational partners using the Interview Guide. The researcher had an in-depth interview with the married
students about their lived experiences and the conversations were audio-recorded. Then the data were analyzed using
phenomenological explications and thematic analysis. The conversational partners affirmed that they are looking at the positive
side of being married at an early age. They are driven by goals and aspirations despite the situations they are in. As a teacher
and as a researcher of the study, I had the belief that for students who married early their dreams of finishing their studies will
die on the day they get married. The account shared by my conversational partners changed my perception and views about the
situation they are in and now I finally understand. Family and loved ones are indeed their number one supporters in life.
Therefore, despite the circumstances, they still believe that they have to continue their studies in order for them to achieve their
dreams in life.
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