Digital Technology Implementation and Adoption of Private Higher EducationInstitutions (HEIS) in Region XII, Philippines
Joseph Bacsarpa
Discipline: Education
The study was conducted to assess the digital technology implementation and adoption of Private
Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Region XII. The study revealed that average age of the
respondents is 28. Majority of the respondents were males, college level and used the internet
everyday for research. Almost all of the respondents used the Institution’s website once a month. All
the perceived digital technology adoption factors had a qualitative description of Agree. All the
statements under behavioral intention had a qualitative description of Agree. The level of adoption
was very high. The sex, age and educational attainment of the respondents had no significant
relationship to performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence and facilitating
conditions. In the same manner, there is no significant relationship between socio-demographicprofile
of the respondents and perceived digital technology adoption factors of Higher Education Institutions
in Region XII. In addition, there is no significant relationship between behavioral intention of
Respondents and digital technology adoption of Private Higher Education Institutions in Region XII.
Furthermore, there is no significant relationship between digital technology implementation and
digital technology adoption of Private Higher Education Institutions in Region XII. Finally, the
perceived digital technology adoption factors have a significant influence on the behavioral intention
of Private Higher Education Institutions respondents in Region XII.
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