Information and Communication Technology as Educational Too
Janice Magtaan
Discipline: Education
This study which aimed to determine the effects of Information and Communication Technology as
educational tools as perceived by the teachers was conducted at Cresdaville Elementary School
during the School Year 2022-2023.The researcher used A mixed-method of quantitative and
qualitative research design was used to determine the effects of ICT integration and issues about it.
Twenty-nine (29) teachers of the school who were chosen purposively served as the respondents of
this study. An online version of the survey questionnaire using the Google Form was used as the main
instrument of the researcher to gather necessary data.Based on the results, the teachers Much Agree
that ICT integration has effects in their teaching, student’s learning, and other works. Likewise, the
three theme that had emerged as the teachers were asked on the issue they encounter regarding ICT
integration were Skills, Attitude, and Availability. Furthermore, their suggestions included provision
of capacity building among teachers on the ICT integration, development of learning materials using
technology, and giving of learning resources to teachers.
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