HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 8 no. 3 (2023)

How Can I Improve the Reading Skills of Grade 7 Students Through SPEAK UP? (Sharing Proactive Events and Knowledge for Understanding and Progress)

Rodel Sienes | Aimee Amor Porto

Discipline: Education



Reading becomes a rampant problem to every school nowadays. This study aims to improve the reading skills of grade 7 students of Soong National High School through SPEAK UP. The study employed action research design, in which quasi- experimental was also applied to determine if there is a significant effect on the intervention program. The study administered a pre-test to 2 sections in Grade 7. Classes were split into two as experimental group (1 class, 15 students) and a control group (1 class, 15 students), according to pre-test results. Only the experimental group was involved in SPEAK UP for 4 weeks.There are series of activity that every learners need to undergo. Participants were carefully observed during the intervention program. There is a showed evidences of learning improvements by the participants. Moreover, the result of this showed that SPEAK UP innovation strategy has a positive effect on the educational value of teaching and learning especially in English classes. This research entitled “How can I improve the reading skills of Grade 7 students through SPEAK UP? (Sharing Proactive events and knowledge for Understanding and Progress), prepared and submitted by Aimee Amor C. Porto and Rodel R. Sienes, is hereby recommended for approval.


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