Participation of Internal Stakeholders in School Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Program Among Public Schools in Catanauan District: Basis for Developmental Training Program
Rodel Morcilla
Discipline: Education
This study aimed to determine the level of participation of the internal stakeholders in disaster risk reduction and
management programs of public elementary and secondary schools in the Catanauan District of the Division of
Quezon. This study utilized a descriptive research design and descriptive survey method. The Catanauan District
in the Division of Quezon served as the site of this investigation. The study covered the Catanauan District's 28
elementary schools, and 9 secondary schools. The respondents were head of school, SDRRM coordinator,
selected parents, and learners. They were selected using purposive and random sampling. This study utilized a
researcher questionnaire to gather data from the target respondents. Data were analyzed using weighted mean,
standard deviation, and pearson-r correlation. The results revealed that there is a significant difference on the
level of preparedness and level of implementation of the internal-stakeholders in school disaster risk reduction
and management programs at 0.05 level of significance. The existence of significant difference tells us that the
responses of the internal stakeholders vary significantly. Also, results revealed that all the respondents including
the school heads, DRRM coordinators, parents and learners are only on aware of disaster management and needs
improvement on training on disaster preparedness and implementation. The internal stakeholders including the
school heads, teachers, parents, and learners are aware of the procedures, policies, projects, and programs of the
school. This study recommended to adapt the proposed SDRMM developmental training program which discuss
DRRM topics, enabling the school internal and external stakeholders to undergo DRRM–related instruction and
capability training.
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