The Use of Educational Video Presentation in Learning Logic
Bajunaid Samsudin | Raffael Datukan | Prudence Fuentes
Discipline: Education
This study was conducted to investigate the efficacy of employing video presentations as a teaching
tool for logic based on various levels of learning objectives. The study involved a pre-test and posttest anchored on the revised Bloom's taxonomy of learning to determine the level of performance of
the respondents. The study also aimed to determine whether a significant difference exists within the
group in terms of the tests, and to compare the mean gain scores between control and experimental
groups. Moreover, the research examined common problems and challenges that the respondents
faced. The standardized questionnaire used for the pre-test and post-test corresponded to the six
levels of Bloom's taxonomy: remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, and
creating. The study showed that both learning methods had a slight effect on students' performance in
terms of comprehension and analysis. However, the modular approach with video presentation
significantly improved students' performance in terms of knowledge and comprehension. Based on
the results, it is recommended to use video presentations as an augmentation to the modular approach
in teaching logic. Further research is encouraged to consider a wider scope for more valid and
justifiable results.
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