The Effectiveness of Brigada Pagbasa in Improving the Reading Comprehension of Junior High School Students at Gumaca National High School
Meldine Hutamares
Discipline: Education
This research is a mixed-method sequential explanatory study which aimed to determine the effectiveness of
Brigada Pagbasa in improving the reading comprehension of junior high school students at Gumaca National
High School. The primary data were collected through adapted reading test tools and in-depth interview. The
first phase described the important numerical data through the use of tables, while the second phase transcribed
and analysed the data according to the research purpose. The level of the reading comprehension of the
respondents was statistically treated using the Phil-IRI’s profiling formula and T-test to ascertain the
effectiveness of PB. Thematic Analysis and Glaser’s Coding Technique were then applied to identify recurring
themes, codes and patterns of meaning of the feedbacks. This study found out that the post-test results of Filipino
and English were significantly better than the pre-test. The number of learners under the levels of frustration
(kabiguan) and instructional (instruksyunal) decreased, whereas the number of learners under the level of
independent (malaya) increased. The p-value of all the grade levels was 0.000 with a verbal interpretation of
“significant” and rejected the null hypothesis of the study. Therefore, Brigada Pagbasa is effective in improving
the reading comprehension of the learners. Thus, stakeholder’s participation, funding support, and reading
materials and resources can affect the implementation of the program as backed by the statements of the
language teachers in the interview. Based on the findings and feedback, additive features were formed to solve
the challenges while the program was being carried out.
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