Schema-Based Approach in Teaching Literature
Fay Fatima Gonzales
Discipline: Education
This study focused on the Schema-based Approach in Teaching Grade 9 Literature. This was
conducted at Lagundi-CCL National High School, a public secondary school in Morong, Rizal
utilizing the 32 Grade 9 students as student-participants and 15 language experts as teacherrespondents during the school year 2019-2020. The study utilized the combination of qualitative,
descriptive and developmental research design of research using a closed-ended questionnaire and
adopted questionnaire-checklist as the research instruments involving the development of the
Schema-based enrichment materials. Based on the significant findings of the study, majority of the
Grade 9 learners have limited schema and were not able to process information using their
background knowledge or schema. In addition, the developed material was evaluated in terms of
content, format, presentation and organization, and accuracy and up-to-datedness of information as
Very Satisfactory with average mean of 3.65, 3.80, 3.85, and 3.97 respectively. Also, the resource
passed each criterion as it gained grand totals score of 25.53, 68.13, 19.27, and 23.80 respectively.
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