HomeHimal-us: Guimaras State College Multidisciplinary Research Journalvol. 10 no. 1 (2018)


Rogelio Borro | Josephine Piodena

Discipline: personal development



The issue of Violence Against Women (VAW) is evident among the crimes committee in the Philippines. This study was conducted to determine the partner‘s relationship, signal on Violence Against Women. The respondents were the female faculty members and staff taken from different colleges and departments of Guimaras State College. The respondents were classified according to age, civil status, length of service, educational attainment, nature of employment, status of employment, religion, residence, monthly take home pay and dwelling/house. The data gathering instrument was a researcher made questionnaire on violence against women. Majority of the respondents were young, single, bachelor‘s degree holder and mostly were regular staff with 10 years and below experience. Most reside in Poblacion or City, have low income and a home. Furthermore, check on you by calling, driving by, or getting someone else to have low indications of violence against women. There were no significant differences in the indicators of violence against women female faculty and staff when classified according to age, length of service, civil status, nature of employment, status of employment, religion, residence, monthly take home pay and dwelling/houses.


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