HomeHimal-us: Guimaras State College Multidisciplinary Research Journalvol. 10 no. 1 (2018)


Kyrl Palma | Josie Gaitano | Criste Dilag | Dioremark E Galimba

Discipline: Education



School dropout leads to failure in social integration, and as a result greatly diminishes a person‘s chances to achieve personal success in legally accepted fields of activity. This study was conducted to determine the factors affecting public secondary school leavers in Buenavista, Division of Guimaras. The researcher made used of the descriptive research design. The respondents were the selected 167 leavers of all public secondary schools in Buenavista, Guimaras. The needed data in the study were gathered using the researchers prepared questionnaire. The data were collected, sorted and tabulated based on the requirements of the study. The data gathered were analyzed using frequency, percent, and mean. Majority of the respondents were young, male, attended at Buenavista National High School, both parents were high school graduate. The school is within the distance from their homes. Most of them have a monthly family income ranging from Php 10,000 and below. Most of the factors affecting their attendance in classes were school factors because majority of them agreed that they don‘t like the teachers in school and that there are not enough books to use. As to family factor, most of the respondents agreed that they left school because their parents were separated and they just stay with their relatives. These factors greatly contributed for the students to leave schools. There should be something to be done to help curtail this situation.


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