Life without a Child: A Phenomenological Study of Adult Couples in Quezon City
Eunice Zapanta | Abigail Apo | Althea Melyn Medalla | Andrea Ashley Antonio | Cristian Job Deguzman | Bea Teresa S. Sengco
Discipline: Education
Being childless and child-free is unusual in the Philippines as every couple is expected to have a child
after their marriage. Some people believe that it is the child’s responsibility to take care of and look
after their parents when they become old. Researchers interviewed a total of ten (10) heterosexual
adult couples through in-person and virtual platforms in order to identify the challenges, coping
methods, and perspectives of childless and child-free adult couples. The findings illustrated the
various experiences and the influences that led adult couples to live a life without a child. The main
factors of adult couples' decision-making are due to their unpleasant upbringing and they are
prioritizing their self-growth, as well as maintaining great importance on their careers. Despite being
certain in their decision, child-free couples frequently experience criticism and invalidation from both
family and friends, as well as from the general public. Based on the indicated findings, the study
emphasizes the significance of understanding the perspective and acceptance that child-free couples
need from their social environment. It also underlines the importance of increasing public awareness
about childless and child-free couples in order to gradually lessen the stigma associated with the
decision to forgo having children.
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