HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 10 no. 3 (2023)

Needs-Based Instructional Material for Reading and Writing Skills in Philippine Senior High Schools

Vanessa Vinzon

Discipline: Education



Reading and Writing Skills (RWS) is one of the core subjects offered to Senior High School (SHS) students. There are textbooks being used in teaching this subject prior to COVID-19 outbreak; however, they are not aligned with the Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs) issued by the Department of Education for the new normal education. This research analyzed the needs of the Senior High School (SHS) students taking Humanities and Social Sciences (HumSS) in the Division of South Cotabato, Region XII, Philippines. The researcher conducted needs analysis survey questionnaire among SHS students and interviews to the teachers handling RWS. Needs analysis results showed that Reading to explain critical reading as a form of reasoning was found to be the prioritized most learning competency, acquiring a weighted mean score of 3.16, with an equivalent description of needed. Furthermore, Writing unique features and requirements in composing texts that are useful for application for college admission and Writing unique features and requirements in composing texts that are useful for application for employment were found to be the prioritized competencies acquiring a weighted mean of 3.26 with an equivalent description of very much needed.


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