HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 9 no. 1 (2023)

Organizational Culture Causes Stress among Secondary School Personnel in Western Visayas, Philippines: How they Cope and Lessen the Impact

Sherina Dimo

Discipline: Education



This study aims to determine the level of organizational stress of the respondents regarding task demands, physical demands, role demands, and interpersonal demands. The research was a descriptive-survey method using a research-made questionnaire. The respondents were 281 randomly selected private and secondary public personnel in Western Visayas. The statistical tools used were mean, standard deviation, T-test, and ANOVA. The results were run in SPSS. The results showed the level of organizational culture causes stress of task demand, physical demand, role demand, and interpersonal demand when grouped according to personal–related factors and school-related factors showed almost all categories "Moderately High." No significant difference in the level of organizational culture caused stress among secondary school personnel in terms of physical demand when respondents were grouped according to age, civil status, and monthly income. The study's findings showed no significant difference in the level of organizational stress in task demand when respondents were grouped according to the size of school personnel and the school's location. However, a significant difference was noted when grouped according to the type of school. There was no significant difference in the level of organizational culture that causes stress among secondary school personnel in terms of role demands among respondents grouped according to age, civil status, monthly income, and length of service in their current position. However, a significant difference is shown when respondents were grouped according to highest educational attainment. The findings revealed no significant difference in the level of organizational stress in terms of role demand when respondents were grouped according to the type of school, the size of school personnel, and the school's location. Thus, key school officials play a significant role in helping lessen stress in workplaces.


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