Stakeholders Experiences in Modular Distance Learning (MDL) Implementation: Milagros East District Case
Maryrose Danao
Discipline: Education
This study focused on gains, pains, perceived effectiveness level, challenges and significant difference of Modular Distance Learning implementation through mixed method using survey questionnaire and interview. Study found MDL a good alternative mode of teaching, giving chance to work on difficult activities, giving time for independent study, problem-solving collaboratively, posing independent learning, safeguarding learners, making parents learn, saving money, and developing family rapport. Developed unmotivated people; required heavy workload; posed lower academic performance and lack of knowledge/training about modular teaching, incapacity of parents, and lost learners’ interest; failed addressing individual differences; and gave difficulty in monitoring competency mastery; posed content difficulties, requires parental educational background, and lost children’s motivation. It made learners dependent to parents and resulted to low performance. The perceived effectiveness level of implementation is moderate with significant difference. Major challenges showed appropriate, alternative, and intervention strategy application; and conveyance of practical skills. Along expertise, production of learning and supplemental material designs for learning needs, knowledge level assessment, and academic task completion. Vocabulary and positive attitude development, appropriate module design, and resource mobilization were challenges. Study concluded MDL is a good alternative program; gave chance to work on activities; gave time to study independently; enabled problem- solving collaboratively; and posed independent learning. It made learners safe, parents learn, saved money, and developed family rapport; it brought realization to parents about teaching. MDL developed unmotivated people; required heavy workload; and posed lower academic performance. There was difficulty in monitoring competencies, learners lost interest and difficulty in learning. Modular contents are difficult, thus learners turned to be dependent. It was also considered moderately effective due to development of educational support and sufficient time to master competencies. The study recommended that MDL may be continued for pandemic, utilized for learners experiencing threats, and for parents saving money. Teachers prepare motivating and engaging lessons and manage paper works, monitor and assist in mastering competencies. Also, seminar- workshops along intervention strategy application, appropriate learning material, assessments, and material designs.
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