
HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 11 no. 4 (2023)

Meeting the Needs of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Early Intervention Experiences of Filipino Parents

Louise Leosala

Discipline: Education



Many studies have described family experiences on raising a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) for most of the population; however, there is less emphasis on the impact of autism in culturally diverse families, specifically in the Philippine setting. This phenomenological study explored the lived experiences of Filipino parents on meeting the needs of children with ASD and how they cope with its demands. Using a semi-structured interview, data were gathered from 10 Filipino parents of children ages 3 to 8 years with ASD who are receiving early childhood intervention. Interviews were transcribed and data were analyzed which resulted in 10 major themes (a) Meeting the Child’s Needs, (b) My Unique Child, (c) Sense of Fulfilment, (d) A Challenging Task, (e) Supportive Service Delivery, (f) Barriers on Service Delivery, (g) Changing Family Dynamics, (h) Seeking for Information, (i) Getting Involved, and (j) Move from Denial to Acceptance which were categorized into textural and structural descriptions of the phenomenon. This study concluded that the parents lived through unique experiences and adapted coping mechanisms which were distinct to each family as every child with ASD presented with unique needs.


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