HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 9 no. 4 (2023)

Distance Learning Readiness of High School Science Teachers in San Agustin, Isabela During the Outbreak of Covid-19 Pandemic

Faith Agbayani

Discipline: Education



Science subject encounter a difficult transition of changing face-to-face classes into distance learning during the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic due to the inability to perform laboratory experiments and absence of physical interactions. This study employed a descriptive-quantitative study to determine the level of readiness of high school science teachers on distance learning environment. The researcher conducted a survey in the form of questionnaire among the respondents to evaluate their level of preparedness for distance education in terms of technical skills, experience with distance learning, time management and pedagogical skills. Statistical analysis such as frequency count was used to obtain the profile of the participants. Meanwhile, the use of mean was employed to identify the level of readiness of science teachers. Findings reveals that most of the high school science teachers in the municipality of San Agustin, Isabela were females and below 30 years old of age. Majority of the respondents are bachelor degree holder with 0-10 teaching experience and attended less than 10 distance learning-seminars. Furthermore, the result shows that science teachers have a high level of distance learning readiness on teaching science concepts.


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