Work-Life Balance and Health Status Of Elementary School Teachers
Bai Tarhata Yabut | Nathalie Nadela | Chinitt Sinco
Discipline: Education
This study aimed to determine the profile of the respondents in terms of sex, civil status, age, teaching position,
length of service and educational attainment, the work-life balance and health status of elementary school teachers
in terms of their workplace support, work-family conflict, family-work conflict and satisfaction with work-life
balance as well as their health status in the aspect of their physical state, mental and emotional state and stress
evaluation, the difference between the work- life balance and health status of elementary teachers according to their
demographic profile and the relationship between the work-life balance and health status of the elementary teachers.
Descriptive-correlational research design was used in this study.This study was conducted in the selected schools of
the four districts of the municipality of Pikit. It was pilot tested among the permanent teachers in the school year
2020-2021. No significant difference was found between the work-life balance and health status of the teachers
according to their personal profile, and in terms of their workplace support, work-family conflict, family-work
conflict, satisfaction with work-life balance, physical state, mental and emotional state and stress evaluation, reveals
no significant differences as measured according to the demographic profile of the respondents. Lastly, findings
revealed that the work-life balance and health status of the respondents significantly correlate with each other.
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