HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 9 no. 5 (2023)

Leadership Styles, Practices, Characteristics, and Its Effectiveness to the Management Innovations of the Basic Education School Leaders: A Basis for Professional Development Program

Brendalyn B. Villamor

Discipline: Education



Leadership makes a difference in school improvement and contributes to the school's welfare and development. This principle is considered one of the key elements in the actualization of improved management innovations, and change leading to success. Thus, this study sought to describe the leadership styles, practices, characteristics, and effectiveness of leadership and management innovations among the basic education school leaders of selected public and private schools within the Laguna area.Through the use of the descriptive research method, the researcher was able to conduct the study among 130 school teachers, and 12 basic education school leaders within the province of Laguna.The study reveals that on leadership styles, there is no disparity or no difference in level or treatment in effect to the innovation in their respective schools. Also, it was perceived that there is no substantial link between the leadership practices and the management innovations of the school leaders. Likewise, the leadership characteristics of the basic education school leaders affect their management innovations in school.In conclusion, the researcher noted that there is a significant effect between leadership styles, practices, and characteristics, and management innovations among basic education school leaders. It is recommended that these premises be used as the basis for the Professional Development Program (PDP) for school leaders.


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