Modular Distance Learning Implementation in District 8, Masbate City Division
Vince Marie Leona Hibo | Melody Vargas
Discipline: Education
This study focused on the status of Modular Distance Learning (MDL) implementation in District 8, Masbate City
Division. It sought answers to the questions: What is/are the status, challenges, and best practices of schools in the
implementation of MDL along: Learning Resources; Learning Management; Teacher Capacity; Household and
Community Capacity; and School Operations; and what viable measures be undertaken based on MDL
implementation.The study utilized mixed methods of research; quantitative for status of implementation to assess
the level of school heads, teachers, parents/guardians, and community leaders and members of the district, using
survey questionnaire. Qualitative was utilized in interpreting unstructured interview gathered through open-ended
questions and these data were interpreted and analyzed using Thematic Analysis and Affinity Diagram. Complete
enumeration was applied for school heads, community leaders, and members, while stratified random sampling for
teachers and parents/guardians. Slovin’s formula with a margin of error of 0.05 determined the sample size.This
study found that schools in District 8, Masbate City Division, are not prepared to implement and carry out the
implementation of Modular Distance Learning in terms of learning resources, learning management, teacher
capacity and school operations; and the households and communities are incapable of supporting the
implementation of Modular Distance Learning. The challenges encountered evidently depict lack of preparedness,
resources needed and teachers’ training; and parents/guardians and the community are incapable to support MDL
implementation. The notable points of the schools in District 8 which contributed to the success of Modular
Distance Learning implementation are attributable to their adherence to the minimum requirements set by the
Department of Education and other agencies looking into the importance of education. The areas that need to be
addressed for policy consideration include the lack of funds and quality-assurance for modules; community learning
facilitators; funds for communication allowance for teachers; and training for teachers and parents.The study
recommends that the concerned authorities can focus on increasing the capacity levels of the schools and their
communities along implementation of Modular Distance Learning with more focus on improving their school
operations and learning resources by mobilizing partners in combatting the problems of insufficient fund and work
with the community in its organization of learning facilitators; and capacitate parents/guardians for them to teach
well their learners. The developed strategic plan can be an appropriate basis to aid the schools and the stakeholders
in improving and supporting the implementation of Modular Distance Learning (MDL) and to conduct a parallel
study on the extent of effects of MDL implementation.
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