HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 10 no. 2 (2023)

Teaching Practices of Edukasyon Sa Pagpapakatao Teachers in the Schools Division of Marinduque: Basis for Instructional Delivery Enhancement

Wenie Riego

Discipline: Education



The goal of this study is to identify the teaching practices of Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao teachers in the School Division of Marinduque, focusing on the strategies, challenges, and coping practices employed by the teachers. The respondents of the study were 217 teachers handling EsP. However, only 189 EsP teachers got the opportunity to be part of this study. Theprimary instrument used in this study is an adapted, modified questionnaire checklist. The questionnaire was validated by experts, including Education Program Supervisor, Research Expert, Language Editor, and experienced EsP teachers. Study reveals that identify learning objectives, and plan to sequence in an engaging meaningful manner in constructing Daily Lesson Plan for EsP, apply knowledge during orientation in the use of teaching guide and others, make sure that the additional activities or assignments in the lesson plan can deepen the understanding of students about the lesson were the strategies mostly employed by the teacher in preparing the lesson. Furthermore, in terms of classroom instruction maximize time allotment to teach the subject, easily use the Filipino language as a medium of instruction, and have sufficient knowledge on teaching strategies were the strategies commonly used by the teacher. In addition, utilize the teacher’s manual, use my vacant time in making instructional materials, and provide others resources and textbooks were the strategies always employed by the teachers. Lastly, conduct regular teacher -parent conference, communicate parents about attitudes and behavior of students in school, conduct follow-up of values taught in school at home, and motivate parents to support the interest of their children were the strategies mostly employed by the teacher in terms of parental involvement. On the other hand, difficulty in identifying techniques to execute lessons according to the plan was the challenges encountered in terms of teacher’s preparation. Lack of skills in analysis, decision making, and value application among students in classroom instructions; Lack of time in telling my students story with moral lesson in terms of instructional materials; and Lack of cooperation of parents in terms of parental involvement. Moreover, in terms of teacher’s preparation additional activities or assignments in the lesson plan that can deepen the understanding of students about the lesson; in terms of classroom instruction using Filipino language as medium of instruction; in terms of instructional materials Utilizing the teacher’s manual; in terms of parental involvement conducting regular teacher -parent conference, open communication about attitudes and behavior of students in school, cooperating with parents towards student’s learning at home were the coping practices employed by the teacher in EsP. Results of the study shows that the difference on the strategies used by the teacher respondents when grouped according to sex, civil status, educational attainment and training attended is not statistically significant. However, there is a significant difference on the responses of the respondents when grouped according to age variable. Respondents also suggested the division wide utilization of Daily Lesson Log (DLL) in teaching EsP while create a warm interpersonal relationship between teachers, parents, and the school manager so that values may take place and Multiplicity of procedures and strategies used by the teacherin teaching EsP were least recommended enhancement activity.


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