The Developmental Needs of Quezon District 3 Teachers: Basis for a Proposed Intervention Program
Wella Mallory Armenta
Discipline: Education
The main purpose of this is to determine to current status of developmental needs and the level of
competencies of the Quezon District 3 elementary teachers in terms of professional and instructional
development. It also sought to determine the significant difference and the correlation between the
two. It further determined the barriers and other suggestions on the competencies. Quantitative
research was employed using the descriptive-evaluative method which utilized a validated survey
questionnaire among the participants which were chosen via cluster random sampling. Data were
treated using standard statistical analysis techniques such as frequency distribution, percentage,
weighted value, weighted mean, ranking, t-test and Pearson-r correlation of coefficient. This study
revealed that the QD3 elementary teachers gave more weight to the level of professional development
which garnered a weighted mean of 3.11 than their instructional competence that has a weighted
mean of 3.05. Thus, according to its computed t-value which is 0.0182, it showed that there is
no significant difference between these competencies. It has further shown that the two competencies
are directly proportional to each other, thereby gaining a correlation of coefficient value of 0.9005
interpreted as a strong positive relationship. Out of the current research, recommendations for a
proposed interventions were made.
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