
HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 12 no. 9 (2023)

Teaching Techniques in New Set-Up on Students' Academic Performance: A Correlational Analysis

Elaine Joyce Malinao | Marianie Turno | James Albert Opone | Adrian Abarquez | Rhino Rienz Casas | Jomar Caborog

Discipline: Education



Teaching techniques are the unique ways of carrying out a particular task, in the teaching and learning process. Academic performance is the measurement of student achievement across various academic subjects. Teachers and education officials typically measure achievement using classroom performance, graduation rates, and results from standardized tests. This research assessed the relationship of teaching techniques in new set-up on academic performance. Correlational research investigates relationships between variables without the researcher controlling or manipulating any of them. It was used under the quantitative approach. There were 191 respondents wherein 12 respondents for each class per year level were utilized by the researchers. The research was carried out in Maguikay National High School at G.K. Sudlon Mandaue City, Cebu, Philippines,6014. A 2- page standardized questionnaires from CLIQ Cooperative Learning Implementation Questionnaire. (n.d.), Differentiated Instruction (n.d), Learning Style Questionnaire and Technology were used in this study. The Pearson r- correlation was used to determine the relationship between the two variables. Every questionnaire fundamentally plays a role in the study to effectively know the correlation of each variable. In addition, there is a significant relationship between teaching techniques in new set-up on students’ academic performance. Furthermore, cooperative learning is one of the teaching techniques that greatly improves the students’ academic performance more than differentiated instruction and visualization. When the teachers increase their knowledge on various teaching techniques in order to keep students engaged and motivated throughout the learning process.


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