Secondary School Heads’ Instructional Supervision Practices Correlate to Teachers’ Competencies and Work Commitment
Jeffrie Ditabla
Discipline: Education
This study aims to determine the correlation between the secondary school heads’ instructional
supervision practices, teachers’ competencies, and work commitment in selected secondary schools
in the Division of Rizal and Antipolo City during the School Year 2022-2023. The method of
research used was the mixed research methods, including quantitative using survey questionnaire and
qualitative using focused-group discussion. The respondents of the study included 152 school heads
and 380 teachers who were chosen using stratified random sampling. The statistical tools used to
treat the data were the weighted mean, z-test, pearson r coefficient and correlated t-test. The study
found out that the extent of the secondary school heads’ instructional supervision practices was
Highly Extent (HE) with the grand weighted mean of 3.44 as perceived by the teacher respondents
and Very High Extent (VHE) as perceived by the school heads with the grand weighted mean of 3.50;
the level of teachers’ competencies was Highly Competent (HC) as perceived by the teachers and
school head respondents as evidenced by the grand weighted mean of 3.39 and 3.41; and the level of
teachers’ commitment was Very Satisfied. The study suggested a capability training program for the
secondary school heads.
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