HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 9 no. 9 (2023)

The Significance of Using Literature in the EFL Classroom

Aurizia D. Siraji | Imelda Paraja

Discipline: Education



The present study attempts to explore the use of literature in teaching English in EFL classrooms. It highlights the importance of Teaching English using Literature. The study utilized descriptive quantitative research designed to determine the significance of Teaching English Language through literature among teachers in selected schools in the higher education Institution in the Philippines. From the data collected, it is shown that all teachers strongly agreed that literature enhances the creative capability of the students; Increase cultural awareness; Broaden social understanding; Develop critical thinking both the students and teachers; It helps student learn new vocabularies; The students can share their thoughts on the subject; Interesting stories motivated students to learn; Learners become enthusiastic and persistent; Students from the different walks of life learn to collaborate with other students. Conclusively, the use of literature for teaching English is widely acknowledged for giving benefits for the students as perceived by the teacher in the ESL classroom not only in terms of their writing skills, but also in terms of sharpening their critical thinking ability which is utmost important to help learners thinking out of the box. Finally, from the findings of the study, Teaching English language through literature in the ESL classroom is highly recommended.


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